Below are links to different types of publications that I have developed through various endeavors, including consultancy and research. Some are more useful for practitioners and others for researchers. Find also presentations offered in academic, peer-review settings; write me to access the contents of these presentations.

How Difficult Is It to Build a Sustainable and Inclusive Company in the Global South? Reflections on a Case in Chocó (Colombia). (2022). Proceedings of the ICSD 2021: 9th International Conference on Sustainable Development. Coauthor with Nemesio Palacios, Eliana Villota and Andrés Palacios.
Learnings and lessons in promoting the naidi value chain in the Colombian Pacific. (2022). Case study published by Fondo Accion.
Not Everything is Rosy in the Garden Challenging Social Aspects in the Relationship between Business and Rural Communities. (2017). Article published on The Journal of Corporate Citizenship.
Factors that facilitate or restrict inclusive trade relations with small-scale agricultural producers: Analysis of 3 cases in Latin America using the LINK Methodology. (2017). Article in coauthorship published by SEPIA XVII Thematic Table, Latin American Experiences of Application of the Inclusive Value Chains Approach.
Inclusive Business in Mexico and Colombia (2015). Published by the Inclusive Business Action Network (IBAN). Coauthor with Teresa Magdalena. Also available in Spanish.

Which Digital Innovation to Choose? Social and Applied Tools for Farmer Decision-Making in Digital Agriculture. (2024). ICSD 2024: 12th International Conference on Sustainable Development.
Linkages between EU Deforestation-Free Regulation and traceability tools: An exploration from the Honduran coffee sector (2023). Coauthor with Claudina Padilla-Quiñonez, Mirian Colindres, Federico Ceballos-Sierra, Jennifer Wiegel. Technical paper published by CGIAR Initiative on Rethinking Food Markets.
The Digital Agriculture Revolution: What to consider to make it work for small and marginalized farmers? (2022). Shared in the National Conference on Next Generation Sustainable Technologies for Small Scale Producers.
Digital Agricultural Technologies in Latin America: Perspectives by promotors and technological entrepreneurs. (2020). Shared in the Association for the Study of Food and Society & Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society Twitter Conference.
Digital Agricultural in Colombia: Actors, narratives and socioethical implications. (2020). Presentation given at the Colombian National Congress of Sociology .
Some recent and other favorite publications! Click on the image to access the resource.

Can a business be emancipatory? Reflections from a personal journey (2021). Presentation given at Sociology in Practice Settings Symposium at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting.
Working with Business in Developing Countries: Ethical and Methodological Challenges (2019). Presentation given at Sociology in Practice Settings Symposium at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting.

Emprender Paz Award. Ten years acknowledging the business contribution towards peace building in Colombia. (2017). Published by Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Emprender Paz Corporation.
Discourse and Practices of Green Growth: Evidence from Colombia. (2019). Presentation given at 82nd Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society.
Learnings and reflections from Antioquia Sostenible: A colombian pioneer experience of SDG localization. (2019). Presentation given at Sociology in Practice Settings Symposium at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting.
Business and Sustainable Development Goals: A guide for getting started (2015). Published by the Think-and-do tank -INNOVE-. Also available in Spanish and Portugués
Baseline Indicators for Measuring the Objectives of Sustainable Development in Antioquia. (2016). Published by Antioquia Sostenible.
Corporate Social Responsibility from Human Management Areas: Getting started guide (2011). Book in coauthorship with Karem Sanchez and Mónica García. Published by the College of Business Management, Universidad Del Valle.